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A Refreshing Walk Along Dallas Road

Dallas Road Marilyn Perks Stories

I am not alone in choosing Dallas Road on Victoria’s waterfront as my preferred place for exercise and fresh air. One of the houses in the above photo displays a small monument in the front garden. The aptly composed words by Ian Haysom expresses the sentiments of thousands who have passed by.

The popular Dallas Road Waterfront Trail stretches from Ross Bay to Holland Point. Wind and kite surfers provide entertainment all year round. And anyone who loves nature can enjoy bright yellow gorse in winter and wild Nootka roses in summer. Even the gardens at Buckingham Palace cannot boast such a sweet smelling rose.

When I was writing my novel, I often left the computer and went for walks along this path to reflect on the scenes I had been working on that day. I imagined heated character conversations, and felt their emotions quite literally. I conjured up descriptions of hollow-eyed children in squalid cottages. The landed gentry feasting at banquet tables. A candlelit bedroom with soft wisps of steam rising from a hip bath. And a cold, damp forest where the incessant cawing of ravens silenced the twitter of chickadees. But the biggest challenge was brainstorming for ideas to advance the plot, to raise the stakes, and to make my protagonist face her demons once and for all.

After such deep musings, I would return to the reality of my surroundings. Benches overlooking the sea encourage people to sit for a chat. I like hearing about their lives, and sharing a bit about mine. But best of all, I love to tell the old story of John 3:16.

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.
